Katherine Landers

About Me

Katherine Landers is a Senior at Fisher Jr/Sr High School. She joined the CEO program this year because she was looking for a different classroom environment, connections through the program, and to learn leadership skills to carry on throughout life. Katie hopes to get the most out of every opportunity in this class from their business visits and personal discussions within the team room. At school, Katie participates in volleyball and softball. She is also vice president of her FFA chapter, is a FCA leader, on her school’s Leadership Team for student council, and a part of the WYSE academic challenge team. She also volunteers within her school as well as her church’s children’s ministry. In her free time, Katie enjoys cycling and reading, as well as spending any time she can with her family and friends.







DISC Characteristics

  • Big picture focused, competitive and likes to be challenged, assertive, self reliant, assertive and comfortable pushing the envelope to achieve results
  • Sociable, outgoing, freely expresses opinions, trusting of others, influential
  • Consistent and predictable, believes rules exist for a reason, stabilizes others, doesn't like rocking the boat unless its necessary
  • Likes to work independently, desires practicality in rules and protocols, can be perceived as a rule bender, flexible and can work without order or structure